Saturday, July 30, 2022

A Do-It-Yourself Rat Control


Rats are some of the smartest pests around, and just like the other methods of rat elimination (and sometimes extermination), the program usually calls for sanitation and rat removal.


Home termite treatment Ipswich rats by several removal DIY (do it yourself) methods are actually variable and dependent on the personal preferences of the structure owner and their individual level of infestation.


For one, sanitation is an important measure of home termite treatment Ipswich in getting rid of your rat problem. You simply eliminate their food and water sources in your house. If you can keep your property clean and spotless with no food available for them, they will go to other places and won’t come back to your place for a long time.


Some food storage tips


There are many sanitation measures in denying rats any food. One is storing bulk food items in large metal containers with tight fitting lids, rather than in bags or boxes that rats can easily gnaw into.


Keep your dog (or any pet food) stored in a Rubbermaid container for the night. Remove the clutter like paper and cardboard that rats might use in making their nests. Outside, remove grass clippings and yard debris near any structure.


Trim bushes and shrubs so they do not touch your home and you can see beneath them.

Store that firewood, if you have them, away from any structure. Pick up fruits and nuts that fall from trees, if you have any.


For indoors, there are several ways to get rid of rats in your house.




Trapping is one preferred method in indoor home termite treatment Ipswich of rats. There are several advantages in using these. Trapping does not require the use of poison indoors and you can actually see your trapped rats.


Glue traps are used here. This is a flat piece of cardboard or a shallow plastic tray that is covered in a specially designed adhesive that can be placed flush against floors and walls where rodents travel.


Some commercial glue traps are scented with the favorite odors for rats.


Snap traps


Basically, this is made of wood, metal or plastic with a powerful snap hinge intended to kills rodents right away.  They are used with some form of bait to lure the rats to the trap.


You can place them in areas where you noticed activity during your inspection. Traps should be placed perpendicular to the wall with the trigger end almost touching the wall.


Another option is placing a pair of traps end to end, parallel to the wall with the triggers positioned to intercept rats traveling from either direction.


Alternatively, you can place a pair of traps end to end, parallel to the wall, with the triggers positioned to intercept rodents traveling from either direction.


The ideal baits for rodents are those that give off an aroma, such as bacon, canned tuna, nuts, or peanut butter, the stronger the better. (In the tropics, they use grilled coconut meat that gives off a strong sweet smell.)


When using solid baits, tie them to the trigger. This is done so that the rodents will not be able to remove them without setting off the trap.

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